In the height of the worldwide pandemic, we escaped from negative emotions in Germany to the paradise of Tulum, Mexico. 

One night under the magical Caribbean moonlight, we asked ourselves if we really want to go back to a life full of restrictions, worries & negativity. We decided to escape the monotony of our 9 to 5 jobs in Berlin to live our dream of a free life. 

Step 1 was accomplished: We broke our inner chains and were finally ready to start decorating us with chains that we really want to wear. 

We went back to Berlin, taught ourselves the handcraft of jewelry making and returned to Mexico, the land of possibilities. Our designs & quality improved insanely. Today, we are ready to share our chains with inspiring people all over the world. 


MOON CHAIN stands for individualism, openness & the invitation to dream. Our body chains and jewelry have no gender or size restriction. They are made to express yourself and highlight your personality. Forget about your worries or what others might think of you and bring joy to your life! 


We are Max & René, two best friends since almost a decade. Both free-spirited, positive, non-conformist believers. Our most important goal in life is to keep our inner child alive. We don’t take a „No“ for an answer and rather see it as a starting point to a new challenge. If you want to picture ourselves, imagine a person with bright eyes full of hope and a rainbow over their heads.